Wet type high gradient permanent magnetic drum separator (HIDS) can be used to upgrade weakly magnetic ferrous minerals and upgrade non-ferrous minerals – examples of former being magnetite, pyrrhotite, roasted ore, ilmenite, hematite and that of the latter being wolframite, tantalum-niobium ore, manganese, feldspar, quartz, nepheline, fluorite, sillimanite etc.It has the following advantages:
- Good separation.
- Peak magnetic intensity of 8000 Gauss in separation zone.
- Low maintenance.
- Low operational cost.
- Could be an alternative to more expensive electromagnetic WHIMS.
- High magnetic strength NdFeB Rare Earth Magnets used.
- Use of different matrix elements possible.
- The machine operates “Choke-free” because of the simplistic design of the matrix and method of discharging the ferrous material from the matrix.
- High magnetic strength achieved using permanent rate earth magnets, long magnetic field zone and the possibility of the solids in the feed naturally gravitating towards the matrix element by gravity, makes the machine very effective.
- Simple structure and large capacity.
- Simplified operating method and very low maintenance.
- Energy saving and environment friendly.
The HIDS is available in diameters 500 mm to 2500 mm and lengths up to 2500 mm.
As shown in the figure, DLSY series mainly comprises of supporting structure, permanent magnetic system, feeding bucket, drive components and other components as seen in the illustration below.The main components of the machine are:
- Supporting Structure
- Permanent magnetic system
- Feed Pipe.
- Drive Mechanism.
- Flanged Feed Inlet.
- Drum body
- Wash water piping assembly
- Concentrate (Ferrous Fraction) oulet.
- Tailings (Non-Ferrous fraction) outlet.
- Adjustment for magnetic system.